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Free Personal Finance Manuals
Planning Your Life
Personal Financial Plan
Budgeting and Financial Statement
Financial Calculators and Tutorials
Life Insurance
The Auto Decision
Mortgage, Debt Reduction, And Debt Free Spending
Money and Marriage
Retirement Planning
Wills And Estate Planning

Free Personal Finance Manuals

Below are the free personal finance faith-based manuals for all the courses we offer here on this website in PDF format. With permission, we have also included a secular version for more general applications. It is currently in use in many U.S. colleges and universities.

Personal Finances for Self-Reliance Manual

Freshman College Manual

High School Manual

Intermediate Investing Manual

Advance Investing Manual

Complete College Manual

Retirement Planning Manual

Returned Missionary Manual

Young Married and Single Adult Manual

In addition, we have provided a free intermediate secular manual as well for those interested in using these materials but taking a different perspective.

Fundamentals of Family Finance – Basic Principles You Can Use, 2nd edition, Y Mountain Press, 2018, by E. Jeffrey Hill, Ph.D., Bryan L. Sudweeks, Ph.D., Bryce L. Jorgensen, Ph.D., Xiaohui Li, Ph.D., and Laura Ricaldi, Ph.D.

We express appreciation to Professors Hill, Sudweeks, Jorgensen, Li and Ricaldi for their willingness to freely share this wonderful resource.

Planning Your Life Resources

Planning Your Life - Your Vision Mission Values Assignment (TT38)
This document will be helpful in helping you determine what is important to you and in developing your individual and family vision, mission statement, and values.

BLS VMVS Assignment (TT38B)
This is the VMVS Assignment from the Instructor of the class as an example.

Budgeting and Financial Statement Tools

Simple Saving, income and Expense Plan (Budget) Spreadsheet (TT04C)
This is our simple budgeting spreadsheet which can be useful when setting a budget and trying to save more money. Your budget is your single most important tool to help you achieve your personal and family financial goals.

Simple Balance Sheet and Ratios (TT04B)
This is a simple spreadsheet to help you prepare your balance sheet and prepare your 6 financial ratios (liquidity, savings and debt).

Budgeting Spreadsheet with Balance Sheet and Ratios (TT04)
This is a detailed budgeting spreadsheet which can be useful when setting a budget and trying to save more money.

Debt Free Spending Spreadsheet (TT31A)
This is a much more detailed budget and debt reduction spreadsheet. This is for the more advanced user.

Financial Calculators and Tutorials Resources

Excel Financial Calculator (TT12)
This spreadsheet is a Financial Calculator but written in Excel (with macros)

Excel Financial Calculator Tutorial (TT03A)
This document is a tutorial for many different financial calculators in performing key time value of money calculations.

Finance Calculations for Chapters 9-10 (TT03B)
This spreadsheet gives the Excel formulas for the problems from Chapters 9 and 10 on Time Value of Money.

Tax Tools Resources

Federal Tax Planning Worksheet (TT39)
This spreadsheet helps you calculate your Federal Taxes, including calculating your taxable income and refundable and non-refundable credits.

Tithing Share Transfer Example (TT08)
This document is an example of how to pay your tithes and offerings in appreciated securities (securities which are worth more than you paid for them). By using appreciated securities to make charitable contributions, you get full credit for the value of the securities and do not have to pay taxes on the income or capital gains.

Tithing Share Transfer DRS Instructions (TT08A)
This document helps explain the process of donating securites to pay your charitable contributions.

Taxes on Security Earnings including Qualified Dividends (TT32)
This document helps explain taxes on security earnings and how different assets and earnings are taxed differently. It also helps you determine if a stock's dividend is qualified, i.e., does it receive the preferential tax rate?

Life Insurance Tools

Calculating Life Insurance Needs - Simplier Fin200 (TT29B)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give a more simple Excel template for calculating different ways of determining the amount of life insurance you would need. It is for reference only and is an approximation of the amount needed. To get an exact amount, I recommend you work with a qualified insurance salesman or qualified financial planner who can spend more time with you understanding the additional details of your situation.

Calculating Life Insurance Needs (TT29)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give a more detailed Excel template for calculating different ways of determining the amount of life insurance you would need. It is for reference only and is an approximation of the amount needed.

The Auto Decision Tools

Lease Versus Buy Analysis (TT22)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give an Excel template for calculating the cost of leasing versus buying. The lease cost is an approximation only, and is close but not exact. This spreadsheet is only a help in discussing the financial aspects as part of the lease versus buy analysis, and assumes you can sell the vehicle at the end of the term for the pre-determined residual value.

Mortgage and Debt Reduction Tools

Home Loan Comparison with Prepayment and Refinancing (TT19)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give an Excel template for determining which of three different loans would be most attractive to you based on your estimates of closing costs, interest rates, and how long you will be in the home. In addition, we have added a prepayment worksheet to help you pay your home off faster. Please note that your actual monthly payment is going to be more due to the additional costs of Private Mortgage Insurance and the additional Escrow payments.

Debt Elimination Spreadsheet with Accellerator (TT20)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give an Excel template for calculating how quickly you can pay off debts if you paid the most expensive debts off first (Ashton) or the shortest payoff first (Ramsey). It also assumes you continue making the same same payment each month even after you have paid off a specific loan. It also helps with the impact and savings of paying off loans early and using an accelerator (with macros).

Debt Amortization and Prepayments (TT09)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give an Excel template for calculating how quickly you can pay off debts if you made additional payments on a specific period basis. Effective Interest Rate calculations may be a little off with prepayments as the final payment is less than the previous monthly payments.

Maximum Mortgage Payments for LDS (TT11)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give an Excel template for calculating the amount of money an LDS individual should pay for a mortgage assuming they pay their tithing and a percentage of their income to themselves for savings. This spreadsheet uses the traditional front-end and back-end ratios, and calculates the tax savings from tax-deferred retirement savings plans.

Choosing a Mortgage Loan (TT35)
This spreadsheet helps you to determine, based on your goals and expectations, which type of loan (fixed, ARM, interest only, etc.) is best for your situation.

Credit Card Repayment Spreadsheet (TT18)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give an Excel template for calculating how quickly you can pay off debts if you made additional payments on a specific period basis. Effective Interest Rate calculations may be a little off with prepayments as the final payment is less than the previous monthly payments

Loan Amounts to Pay Back (TT34)
The purpose of this worksheet is to give a visual representation of the amount of money necesssary to pay back a specific loan, including the amount of taxes, charitable contributions and savings that must be earned to pay back each dollar of a loan. It should give pause for those considering borrowing and should help us to be better stewards over the amount we borrow.

Debt Free Spending Spreadsheet

The following is a budgeting and debt reduction spreadsheet that is used to help individuals and families become more financial reliant. It is a very detailed spreadsheet that has multiple language capabilities (Spanish, English, Chinese, and Tagalog). Please read the instructions and FAQ carefully.

Debt Free Planned Spending (TT31B)
Debt Free Planned Spending Spreadsheet Instructions and FAQs (TT31C)

Money and Marriage Tools

Family - Key Questions on Money and Relationships (TT21)
The purpose of this Learning tool is to help you understand how money and other financial topics were handled in your family growing up. Our experiences and background can help much in understanding the sources of our habits and knowledge. The following questions relate to how money and finances was handled in your family in the past and how you/we intend to handle money in the future.

Money and Marriage Suggestions (TT41)
These are suggestions from our experiences of little things that taken together that have made a big difference in our lives.

Investing Resources

Investing Tools

Investment Plan Example (TT05A)
This is a tool to help you prepare your Investment Plan (or Investment Policy Statement). Because of the complexity of this document, we have prepared this Plan with different places where you will fill in the blanks consistent with your own situation and goals. Instructions for completing this plan are below. To complete this Investment Plan, you will also use LT 7, 13, 16, and 27.

Investment Plan Instructions (TT05B)
This document gives instructions for filling out the Investment Plan.

Investment Plan 20 Questions (TT05C)
These are the 20 questions you will answer in filling out your investment Plan (or investment policy statement).

Simplified Investment Plan (TT05D)
This is a simplified Investment Plan including the 20 questions you will answer in filling out your investment Plan (or investment policy statement).

Simplified Investment Plan Instructions (TT05E)
This is a simplified Investment Plan instructions for filling out your investment Plan (or investment policy statement).

Using Morningstar to Select Funds (TT07)
This document teaches you how to use the Morningstar Library Edition in selecting mutual funds.

Mutual Fund Selection Worksheet (TT07B)
Using TT07, this worksheets shares key criteria for finding good mutual funds and shows where in Morningstar website to find the information.

Key Sources of Financial Information (TT10)
This document gives key sources of financial information.

Investment Process Spreadsheet (TT13)
This spreadsheet helps you as you build your portfolio. It divideds your portfolio into the asset classes, and helps you see what your planned allocation is, what you already have, and what you will need to buy to come to your target allocation.

Possible Benchmarks for Investment Plans (TT15)
You never choose an asset class without a benchmark. This document shares possible benchmarks for the major asset classes.

A Risk Tolerance Test (TT16)
One of the key parts of investing is the process of determining your asset allocation, which is essentially your portfolio risk. This document takes you through that process. We start with the rule-of-thumb of your "age in bonds," and then we adjust that rule based on how you answer 8 different questions. This tool helps you to see if you are a "very conservative," "Conservative," moderate," "aggressive," or "very aggressive" investor. The key is to invest at a risk level you are comfortable with.

Portfolio Attribution Example (TT17)
This tool helps to separate returns into returns from asset allocation and returns from stock selection. This is for the very advanced investor.

Return Simulation for Asset Classes (TT23)
Investors often don't understand what standard deviation means as a measure of risk. We calculate returns for asset classes, some going back to 1926, and standard deviations as well. Then we build a number of different portfolios using random numbers. This tool helps you see and visualize the different possibilities that could occur assuming 20 year portfolios.

Expected Return Simulation and Benchmarks (TT27)
Investors need to come up with an expected return forecast for their portfolio. This is often hard to do. In this tool we bring in actual returns from the various asset classes over 1, 10, 25, 50, 80, and 85 years (updated to the most recent year), and then based on the asset class weights, you can see what a portfolio of assets would have returned given your specific asset allocation. This expected return is then used as an input into your Investment Plan. (Please note that since some of the largest pension funds in the world currently us expected returns of 7.5% or less, we strongly recommend individuals follow their example.)

Taxes on Security Earnings including Qualified Dividends (TT32)
This document helps explain taxes on security earnings and how different assets and earnings are taxed differently. It also helps you determine if a stock's dividend is qualified, i.e., does it receive the preferential tax rate?

Calculating After-Tax Security Returns (TT33)
It is often tedious to calculate individual before-tax and after-tax returns. This tool allows you to input the beginning and ending NAV, any distributions, your tax rates and inflation, and it calculates individual and portfolio returns before-tax, after-tax, and after-tax and inflation, all key returns for the investor.

After Tax ETY and after Inflation Returns (TT26)
In addition to taxable assets, often there are securities with specific tax advantages, i.e., muni bonds, treasury bills and bonds, etc. Becuase these assets have tax advantages, it is necessary to calculate equivalent taxable yields to be able to compare their returns to fully taxable alternatives. This tool helps in that process.

Investment Expense Tool (TT43)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to show the overall impact of investment fees on future returns, and the percentage loss from those fees given specific assumptions. The true costs of investment expenses are not only the fees paid, but also the Future Value of the loss in portfolio value from the expenses paid, i.e. the loss from the time value of money.

Retirement Planning Tools

Retirement Planning Needs (TT06)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give an Excel template for calculating the amount of money you will need to save each month or year given the specific estimates you input for your retirement variables. Please use wisdom and be conservataive in your input variables,

Roth versus Traditional - Which is Better? (TT28)
The following is a spreadsheet to help you determine whether the Roth or the Traditional IRA or retirment plans (401(k) versus Roth 401(k), 403(b) versus the Roth 403(b)) is preferred based on the assumptions you choose.

Retirement Planning Ratio Forecasts (TT25)
The purpose of this spreadsheet is to give an Excel template for determining where you are in your progress toward your retirement goals. Special thanks to Ryan Huling who put together the idea for this spreadsheet. It is based on the article from the WSJ by Jonathan Clements on: "Ugly Math: How Soaring Housing Costs are Jeopardizing Retirement Savings," March 25, 2005, p. D1. The article makes some major assumptions which include: 1. Investors will earn 5% morethan inflation; 2. Investors will save 12% of pre-tax income every year from age 30 to 65; and 3. Investors will withdraw 5% of portfolio value each year.

Social Security Worksheet (TT36)
This spreadsheet helps you to determine how much you will receive from Social Security given your Average Indexed Monthly Earnings and when you decide to start taking benefits. It also helps calculate your Family Maximum.

Wills and Estate Planning Tools

Utah Advance Heath Care Directive (TT14)
An Advance Health Care Directive (also known as an “Advance Directive”) is a form that helps others give you the care you would want when you cannot make decisions. The first part of the form lets you name your health care agent. The second part of the form tells others how to make end-of-life care decisions for you. Other names for parts of the form are “Special Power of Attorney for Health Care,” “Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care,” or “Living Will.” (from the Utah Commission on Aging)

Estate Planning Spreadsheet (TT40)
This spreadsheet is to help in your planning for estate taxes.

Other Internet-based Resources

Choosing who we listen to is very important when learning about Personal Finance, as there is a lot of incorrect and misleading information available. We would encourage you to ask three questions when evaluating sources of personal finance information.

First, what is their affiliation? Is it a government agency, a non-profit institution, or a private-sector company that is providing the information? That will give you insight on what they are trying to accomplish. Regarding this website, it was established as the result of a class taught at Brigham Young University and the need to share this information with spouses and other students who were unable to take this class.

Second, what are the motivations of the establishing institution? Why are they preparing this information? If it is with a private company, are they trying to sell you a product and if so, what is that product? Generally, we try to stay away from sources with an ulterior motive, even though much of the information may be good. Regarding this website, we were encouraged by various faculty and staff to make this information available via the internet in an effort to help others both inside and outside Brigham Young University understand personal finance from “another” perspective, an eternal perspective. We have nothing to sell, we don’t recommend any products (except perhaps personal finance software such as Quicken or to help you be more efficient in your finances), and don’t receive any remuneration for this website (in fact, the maintenance comes out of our personal school budget).

Third, how do they deliver the personal finance information to the students? In this website, we utilize faith-based methods that we believe help increase motivation and change behavior as part of our "best practices." We also strongly use and support the "Best Practices for Financial Literacy and Education at Institutions of Higher Education," from the U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Committee, 2019.

Sources that we have found helpful in learning about personal finance include:

U.S. Financial Literacy and Education

Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Federal Reserve Board

MSN Money Central

The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy

Consumer Reports

The challenge with many websites is that while they have good information, they may be missing important aspects to help teach and motivate students. Our additional vision and goals include to build faith, motivate change, become more financially self-reliant, strengthen the family (Proclamation on the Family, 1995) and serve and bless others.

Other Finance Presentations

This section includes presentations from Finance and other faculty who have presented on personal finance and the importance of getting our financial houses in order. These are used with the permission of the respective authors.


Life is Good: 10 Things You Should Do to Improve your Personal Finances, Sudweeks, Presentation to the Show Me the Money, BYU MPA Class, and BYU Student Family Housing, Provo, Utah, various dates.


Building a Better Saving, Income and Expense Plan, Sudweeks, Presentation to the Antioch YSA Ward, Antioch, California, August 25, 2019.

Saving, Income and Expense Planning, Sudweeks, BYU, August 23, 2019.

Bringing Christ into our Finances, Sudweeks, BYU, August 22, 2019.

Preparing for Retirement, Sudweeks, BYU, August 21, 2019.

10 Myths of Family Finance: What Wise Stewards Know, Sudweeks, BYU, August 20, 2019.

Beginning Investing: A Principles and Applications Based Approach, Sudweeks, BYU, August 19, 2019.

Life is Good: 10 Things You Should Do to Improve your Finances, Sudweeks, Presentation to the LDS Dentist Association, Provo, UT, August 16, 2019.

Retirement Planning: A More Comprehensive Approach: 10 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare, Sudweeks, Presentation to the BYU Management Society of Chicago and Self-Reliance Services, Chicago, IL, July 27, 2019.

Life is Good, Presentation to the St. Louis Stakes, St. Louis, MO, June 21, 2019.

Canyon Rim 1st and 2nd, YSA 258th, and Sharon Park 7th Wards Finance Presentations, Sudweeks, Salt Lake City and Orem, Utah, various dates.

Life is Good: What You Should Know to be Better at your Personal Finances​, BYU MBA Spouses Association, Sudweeks, Provo, Utah, April 10, 2019.

10 Myths of Personal Finance: What Wise Stewards Know, Sudweeks, BYU Young Alumni Conference, Provo, Utah, 2019-03-02.


Life is Good and 10 Myths of Family Finance, Sudweeks, Presentation to the Graduate Finance Society, Provo, Utah, 2018-10-04.

Retirement Planning: What You Can Do Now to Prepare, Sudweeks, BYU Education Week, Provo, Utah, 2018-08-24.

Saving for your Children's Education and Missions: Developing Family Mission and Education Plans, Sudweeks, BYU Education Week, Provo, Utah, 2018-08-23.

Learning from the Church's Personal Finances for Self Reliance Program and Moving Ahead, Sudweeks, BYU Education Week, Provo, Utah, 2018-08-22.

10 Myths of Family Finance: What Wise Stewards Know, Sudweeks, BYU Education Week, Provo, Utah, 2018-08-21.

Beginning Investing: A Principles and Applications Based Approach, Sudweeks, BYU Education Week, Provo, Utah, 2018-08-20.

10 Myths of Family Finance: What Wise Stewards Know, Sudweeks, Nauvoo Stake, Nauvoo, Illinois, 2018-07-29.

Prepare with Vision, Plan with Purpose, Write with Prayer, So You Can Create With Confidence: 12 Steps to Bringing Christ More into our Finances (PowerPoint), Sudweeks, BYU Management Society of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 2018-07-13.

Prepare with Vision, Plan with Purpose, Write with Prayer, so you can Create With Confidence: 12 Steps to Bringing Christ More into our Finances (Word document), Sudweeks, BYU Management Society of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 2018-07-08.

Retirement Planning: Thoughts, Frameworks, Principles, Steps, Amounts, Vehicles, and Vision, Sudweeks, Lake St. Louis Stake, Lake St. Louis, Illinois, 2018-06-22.

A Teachers Perspective of the Student Loan Crisis, Sudweeks, Utah Association of Student Loan Administrators, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018-06-12.

Preparing for Retirement - Principles, Myths, Steps, Stages and Strategies and Vision, Sudweeks, Provo, Utah, 2018-03-04.

10 Myths of Personal Finance: What Wise Stewards Know, Sudweeks, BYU Young Alumni Conference, Provo, Utah, 2018-03-03.


Budgeting Myths and Realities: Creating a Budget You Can Live With (PowerPoint), Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2017-08 25.

Preparing for your Children's Mission and Education: Developing and Plan and Bringing Christ into your Finances (PowerPoint), Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2017-08-24.

Creating an Individual or Family Giving Plan: Bringing Christ into our Finances (PowerPoint), Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2017-08-23.

Prepare with Vision, Plan with Purpose, Write with Prayer, so you can Create With Confidence: 12 Steps to Bringing Christ into our Finances (PowerPoint), Sudweeks, Hill, and LeBaron, Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2017-08-22.

Prepare with Vision, Plan with Purpose, Write with Prayer, so you can Create With Confidence: 12 Steps to Bringing Christ into our Finances (Word document), Sudweeks, Hill, and LeBaron, Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2017-08-22.

Beginning Investing: Bringing Christ into our Personal Finances: 10 Steps to Better Investing, Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2017-08-21.

10 Myths of Personal Finance: What Wise Stewards Know, Sudweeks, BYU Management Society, Naperville, Illinois, 2017-07-29.

Making the Best of our Finances: Habits Wise Stewards Know (pptx), Sudweeks, BYU Management Society Luncheon, March 10, 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Prepare, Plan, Create: Bringing Christ into our Personal Finances (pptx), Sudweeks, Fireside with the BYU Alumni Society and the BYU Management Society, March 10, 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Learning to Give: Developing an Individual or Family Giving Plan, Sudweeks, BYU Young Alumni Show Me The Money Seminar, March 4, 2017, Provo, Utah.

Money and Marriage: Sharing the Same Debit Card and Still Loving Each Other, Sudweeks, BYU Young Alumni Show Me The Money Seminar, March 4, 2017, Provo, Utah.


Bringing Christ into our Personal Finances: 10 Steps to Better Investing, Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2016-08-15.

10 Myths of Personal Finance: What Wise Stewards Know, Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2015-08-16.

Budgeting Myths and Realities: Developing a Budget You Can Live With, Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2016-08-17.

Preparing for Retirement: What You Can Do Now to Prepare, Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2016-08-18.

Saving for your Children's Education and Missions: What You Can Do Now to Prepare, Sudweeks, Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, 2016 08-19.

Experiential Learning in Global Asset Management (Paper), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-29.

Experiential Learning in Global Asset Management Presentation (PPT), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-29.

The Real Cost of Student Loans (Paper) Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-30.

The Real Cost of Student Loans Presentation (PPT), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-30.

The Real Cost of Student Loans - Amount to Pay Back (Excel File), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-30.

FEA - Insurance and Investing Case (Paper), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-29.

FEA - Insurance and Investing Case Presentation (PPT), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-29.

FEA - Life Insurance Basics - Support Materials (PPT), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida,Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-29.

FEA - Investing Basics - Support Materials (PPT), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-29.

FEA - Student Exhibits (Excel File), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-29.

FEA - Insurance Illustrations (Excel File), Sudweeks, FEA Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2016-09-29.

Ten Myths of Personal Finance for Single Adults: What Wise Stewards Know, Sudweeks, Antioch YSA Ward, Antioch California, October 9, 2016.


Preparing for the Future through Taking Responsibility for Your Finances: A Primer for Single Adults, Sudweeks, Mt. Timpanogos Singles, Lehi, Utah, 2015-01-22.

The Whys, Whats, and Hows of Personal and Family Finance, Sudweeks and Hill, 2015.

Making the Most of the Widow's Mite, Sudweeks, LDS Widows and Widowers Conference, Centerville Utah, 2015-04-18.

Lead Out in Personal Finance, Sudweeks, Foundations of Leadership Conference, Aspen Grove, Utah, 2015-08-25.


The Whys, Whats, and Hows of Personal Finance, Sudweeks, Presentation to the BYU Management Society of Taiwan, Taipei, 2014-05-03.

Buying a Home, Sudweeks, Show Me the Money Conference (BYU) 2014-03-01.

Making the Most of the Widow's Mite, Sudweeks, LDS Widows and Widowers Conference 2014-03-15.

Increasing Personal Freedom through Wise Money Management, Sudweeks, BYU Management Society of St. Louis, 2014-07-11.

The Why's, What's, and How's of Personal Finance, Sudweeks, BYU Management Society of Central Indiana, 2014-07-31.